Service / Wednesdays at 6:30p
Orchard YTH is an exciting place for high school and Junior High students to enjoy while learning more about God and growing deeper in their Christian walk. God’s word says that we are to “be salt and light” to the world. This is taught here through illustrations, sermons and implemented through hands-on ministry opportunities and outreaches. Throughout the year, we plan many activities including open gym nights, lock-ins, youth retreats, and youth camp. Come and experience Orchard YTH every Wednesday at 6:30p. Connect with us on Facebook at orchardyouth or on Instagram @orchard_yth.

The concept is simple: we give so others can speed the light of the gospel to a world in darkness. This is accomplished by providing the “essential transportation and creative communication” equipment for missionary evangelism. Through modern transportation, radio, television, the printed word, and equipment for mass evangelism, our missionaries can better fulfill the Great Commission.